Page 109 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 109

Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statements - continued 107

b) Nature of investments in subsidiaries 2022 and 2021               Nature of    Country of     Proportion of          Proportion of
                                                                      business   incorporation  ordinary shares            ordinary
                                    Name of entity
                                                                     Composite                   directly held         shares held by
    Continental Reinsurance Limited Kenya                            Composite                  by parent (%)          non-controlling
    Continental Reinsurance Limited, Botswana                        Composite
    Continental Reinsurance Limited, Douala, Cameroon                                                                    interests(%)

                                                                                      Kenya            65              35
                                                                                    Botswana           60              40
                                                                                    Cameroon           51              49

All subsidiaries undertakings are included in the consolidation. The proportion of the voting rights in the subsidiaries undertakings held
directly by the parent company do not differ from the proportion of ordinary shares held.

Signicant restrictions
There are no significant restrictions (contractual or otherwise) on the group’s ability to access or use the assets and settle the liabilities
of any member of the Group to the extent that regulation does not inhibit/prohibit the group from having access, and in liquidation
scenario, this restriction is limited to its level of investment in the entity.

20 Investment properties                                                  Group              Group      Company         Company
                                                                     Dec. 2022          Dec. 2021      Dec. 2022       Dec. 2021
     At 1, January                                                    =N='000            =N='000        =N='000         =N='000
     Addition                                                                                          1,826,200       2,146,000
     Disposal                                                        4,925,062          4,998,800
     Fair value gain/(loss)                                              35,506            130,270                 -    (331,400)
     Transfer (to)/from owner-occupied property                                  -                         23,700          11,600
     At 31 December                                                                      (331,400)                                 -
                                                                        241,268            127,392                 -
                                                                                 -                  -  1,849,900       1,826,200

                                                                     5,201,836          4,925,062

Income generating floors of the owner-occupied property are classified as investment property since management has demonstrated
legally that the portion of the building which generates rental income can be sold separately or leased out separately under a finance
lease. Investment properties are measured at fair value and the value is determined by Olalekan Aboderin Consulting an independent
professional valuer. There is no restriction on the realisability of the property or the remittance of income and proceeds of disposal and
no contractual obligation to purchase, construct or develop the property or for repairs, maintenance or enhancements.

Below is a breakdown of investment properties showing movement during the year;

Group:                                                  1-Jan-22     Addition/disposal         Fair value gain         31-Dec-22
                                                        =N='000           =N='000                 =N='000              =N='000
  * 3 Bedroom apartment, Kubwa, FCT
  * 17 Olosa street, Victoria Island, Lagos               9,200             35,506                    700                 9,900
  * Mixed development property, Abidjan.                1,817,000           35,506                  23,000             1,840,000
  Total                                                 3,098,861                                  217,568             3,351,935

                                                        4,925,061                                  241,268             5,201,836

Company                                                 1-Jan-22     Addition/disposal         Fair value gain         31-Dec-22
                                                        =N='000           =N='000                 =N='000              =N='000
  * 3 Bedroom apartment, Kubwa, FCT
  * 17 Olosa street, Victoria Island, Lagos               9,200                -                      700                 9,900
  Total                                                 1,817,000                                   23,000             1,840,000

                                                        1,826,200                                   23,700             1,849,900

20.1 List of Investment properties and carrying amount

Description                                               Date of              Nature                 Location         Carrying
                                                        acquisition            of title                                amount
                                                                                                  Kubuwa, Abuja
3 Bedroom apartment                                     2001         FHA Letter of allocation  Victoria Island, Lagos    9,900
17 Olosa street, Victoria Island, Lagos                 2020           Deed of Assignment                              1,840,000
Mixed development property, Abidjan.                    2014                   C of O                  Abidjan         3,351,935
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