Page 101 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 101

Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statements - continued 99

5 Breakdown of others                                                    Group          Group      Company         Company
   Interest on premium/loss reserve                                 Dec. 2022      Dec. 2021      Dec. 2022       Dec. 2021
   Recoveries from prior year written-off receivables                =N='000        =N='000        =N='000         =N='000
   Write back from prior year accruals
   Receipt from parent company relating to prior years audit            82,163         15,207         27,418               462
   and conferences                                                     333,549        796,525         21,211          19,775
   Other sundry receipts                                                                              47,416
                                                                        47,416                 -                              -
                                                                       103,214                 -      11,853                  -
                                                                          4,705        48,471                         24,138
                                                                                      860,203        211,112          44,376

During the year the company was re-imbursed by her parent company for expenses incurred on half year audit of 2018 and 2019 financial
years and group seminars and conferences in 2020. These had earlier been expensed by the company in they year they were incurred.

5b Foreign exchange gain                                            2,431,487      1,161,657      1,746,702       860,714
     Net forex gain on investment assets                              297,567          43,350       274,220        37,652
     Net forex gain on foreign currency banks                                                       136,604        16,112
     Net forex gain (loss) on reinsurances receivables/payables     (593,558)        (39,302)          1,231       (8,579)
     Net forex gain (loss) on retrocessionaires assets/payables          1,539       (23,132)         87,578         8,685
     Net forex gain on intercompany balances                                    -
                                                                                               -  2,246,333       914,585
                                                                    2,137,034      1,142,574

6 Operating expenses

6.1 Management expenses                                             3,392,905      2,464,378      1,632,203       1,042,757
      Employee benefits expenses                                      208,575        343,875        160,367         202,725
      Executive Directors emoluments                                  297,094        836,992        159,838         836,992
      Gratuity, redundancy and other employee related expenses          45,651         63,341         26,463          23,495
      Subscriptions                                                   181,129        163,573        116,060         115,997
      Business travels                                                388,021        334,381        349,260         277,256
      Supervisory and regulatory levy                                 141,947        140,540          53,861          31,022
      Training and seminars                                           114,612        183,167          36,707          41,631
      Rent and rates                                                  108,272          94,476         52,611          41,603
      Bank charges                                                      74,991         78,595         23,315          23,398
      Stationeries, Printing and telephone                              97,435         91,600         86,631          62,936
      Electricity, fuel and diesel                                    169,921        141,657        108,712           91,303
      ICT expenses-Hardware and software maintenance                  158,913        152,119          77,408          89,985
      Advert and publicity                                              33,980         46,355         19,703          10,343
      Entert. & Public Relations                                        60,833         56,245          1,848           1,747
      Stamp duty, registrars fees and charges                           44,649         39,425          5,811           5,590
      Depreciation of right-of-use assets (note 18b)
      Interest expense(release) on lease liability during the year              -      19,434                 -        1,009
      (note 26b)                                                        57,758         48,047               19            149
      Clients development                                               20,326         43,028          6,382
      Other operating expenses                                      5,597,013      5,341,227      2,917,199            9,123
      Total management expenses                                                                                   2,909,062

Included in management expenses is an interest release on lease liability of N62.4m for the group. Company N3.6m

6.2 Administrative expenses comprises the following:                  299,729        357,480        234,492         307,939
      Depreciation and amortisation (Note 21 and 22)                  126,548        134,344          45,000          44,385
      Auditor's remuneration                                          406,694        483,240
      Consultancy and professional fees                               235,324        152,657        261,738         284,107
      Non-executive directors expenses                                307,966        160,060        165,102           97,237
      Investment expenses                                             683,176        540,551                          13,769
      Productivity bonus                                                             194,690          18,141
      Other administrative expenses                                     36,934     2,023,022        483,954         540,551
      Total administrative expenses                                 2,096,373                                         13,886
                                                                                                  1,222,178       1,301,873

During the period, the company's auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, did not render non-audit services to the Company and the Group
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