Page 148 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 148

146  Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statement - continued

                                                                                  For the year ended 31 December 2022

Determination of fair value of nancial instruments.
Valuation techniques used to derive Level2 fair values
Level 2 fair values of investments have been generally derived using the Market approach.
Belowis a table showing sensitivity analysis of material unquoted investments categorised as Level 2 fair values.

 Description                  Fair value at  Valuation Observable           Fair value if  Fair value                       Relationship of
                              31 December    Technique Inputs               inputs         if inputs                        unobservable
   Investment in Aveni        2022                                          increased by   decreased by                     inputs to
   Reinsurance                N'000                                         5%             5%
                                                                            N'000          N'000
   Investment in Uganda
   Reinsurance                334,123        Adjusted fair  Median of P/B   350,829                                317,417  The higher the
                                             value          multiples of                                                    illiquidity ratio
   Investment in Africa                      comparison     comparable                                                      and the earnings
   Reinsurance                               approach       companies                                                       per share haircut
                                                                                                                            adjustment the
Investment in Imperial homes                                                                                                lower the fair
Ivestment in Food Concept
                              217,114        Adjusted fair  Median of P/B   227,970          206,258                        The higher the
                                             value          multiples of    66,026               59,737                     illiquidity ratio
                                             comparison     comparable       13,125                                         and the earnings
                                             approach       companies                      11,875                           per share haircut
                                                                                                                            adjustment the
                              62,881         Adjusted fair  Median of P/B                                                   lower the fair
                                             value          multiples of                                                    value.
                                             comparison     comparable
                                             approach       companies                                                       The higher the
                                                                                                                            illiquidity ratio
                              12,500         Adjusted fair  Median of P/B                                                   and the earnings
                                             value          multiples of                                                    per share haircut
                                             comparison     comparable                                                      adjustment the
                                             approach       companies                                                       lower the fair

                                                                                                                            The higher the
                                                                                                                            illiquidity ratio
                                                                                                                            and the earnings
                                                                                                                            per share haircut
                                                                                                                            adjustment the
                                                                                                                            lower the fair

                              5,400          This are fully This are fully  5,670                                  5,130    This are fully
                                             impaired asset impaired asset                                                  impaired asset

Level 3 fair values of investments have been generally derived using the adjusted fair value comparison approach. Price per book value ratios of
comparable entities in a similar industry were obtained and adjusted for key factors to reect estimated ratios of the investment being valued.
Adjusting factors used are the llliquidity Discount which assumes a reduced earning on private entity in comparison to a publicly quoted entity and
Non controlling Discount which assumes the equity is valued from the minority interest perspective.
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