Page 143 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 143

Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statement - continued                                                            141

For the year ended 31 December 2022

43.2.2 Credit Risk

Credit quality of nancial assets per asset class-Company                                      Loans and
At 31 December 2022                Cash and cash                            Reinsurance                        Debt securities
Neither past due nor impaired         equivalents                            receivables      receivables             =N='000
Past due but not impaired                =N='000                                                =N='000              17,782,034
Impaired                                11,246,049                             =N='000             344,469                        -
Gross                                                -                        11,952,129                    -            889,612
Impairment allowance - collective                    -                                             373,991           18,671,646
Net                                     11,246,049                              3,871,708          718,460             (889,612)
                                                     -                                     -     (373,991)           17,782,034
                                        11,246,049                                                 344,469
31 December 2021                                              9,466,791         (165,973)      175,325                            11,235,664
Neither past due nor impaired                                            -                              -                                     -
Past due but not impaired                                                -    15,657,864                                                      -
Impaired                                                                                       373,991
Gross                                                         9,466,791         9,469,996      549,316                            11,235,664
Impairment allowance - collective                                        -      1,930,748     (373,991)                                       -
Net                                                                                            175,325
                                                              9,466,791           238,545                                         11,235,664


(a) Financial assets neither past due nor impaired
       The credit quality of the portfolio of insurance receivables and other loans and receivables, debt securities and other nancial asset exposed to
       credit risk that were neither past due nor impaired can be assessed by reference to the capacity of the business to pay on written businesses. The
       Group does not rate any of its nancial assets measured at amortised cost.

The assets above are analysed in the table below using Standard & Poors (S&P) rating (or equivalent when not available from S&P)

Group                                      A+                            A           BBB-     Below BBB                           Not rated
                                   =N='000                    =N='000          =N='000          =N='000                           =N='000
At 31 December 2022                                                            17,335,926                   -
Cash and cash equivalents                     -                           -                                 -                                 -
Reinsurance receivables                       -                           -                -                -                     46,341,505
Loans and other receivables                   -                           -                -                -
Other assets                                  -                           -                -   36,176,597                            407,665
Retrocession assets                           -                           -                -   36,176,597                            886,699
Debt securities                               -               26,952,004       17,335,926
31 December 2021                               -                          -    16,239,808                 -                                   -
Cash and cash equivalents                      -                          -                -              -                       47,635,869
Reinsurance receivables                        -                          -                -              -
Loans and other receivables                    -                          -                -              -                                   -
Other assets                                   -                          -                -  24,252,080                          31,333,426
Retrocession assets                16,239,808                 16,046,933                   -  24,252,080
Debt securities                                                                                                                      264,732


Company                                                    - - 11,246,049                                      --
At 31 December 2022
Cash and cash equivalents                                  - --                                                - 19,234,086
Reinsurance receivables
Loans and other receivables                                - --                                                - 344,470
Other assets
Retrocession assets                                        - --                                                - 2,219,532
Debt securities
                                                           -                -                 - 17,782,034                             -

                                                           -  5,944,876        11,246,049     17,782,034 21,798,088

31 December 2021                              -                          -     9,466,791                  -                                   -
Cash and cash equivalents                     -                          -                -               -                       12,279,107
Reinsurance receivables                       -                          -                -               -
Loans and other receivables                   -                          -                -               -                          175,325
Other assets                                  -                          -                -   11,235,664                           2,851,228
Retrocession assets                9,466,791                  6,261,679                   -   11,235,664
Debt securities                                                                                                                               -
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148