Page 120 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 120

118  Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statement - continued

                                                                                  For the year ended 31 December 2022

33a Condensed results of consolidated entities                                                          Continental      Continental      Continental
                                                                                                        Reinsurance      Reinsurance      Reinsurance
     The condensed financial data of the consolidated entities as at 31 December 2022, are as follows:
                                                                                                             Limited,         Limited,         Limited,
     Condensed statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income                                     Douala             Kenya      Botswana
                                                                                                           =N='000                           =N='000
      Revenue                                                                                                               =N='000

      Profit before income tax                                                                          8,661,570 32,419,552              9,709,980
      Income tax
      Profit after tax                                                                                    847,592        2,940,488           505,656
                                                                                                        (101,026)         (936,233)        (135,806)
      Condensed statement of financial position                                                          746,566         2,004,255          369,850

      Cash and cash equivalents                                                                         1,998,270 1,782,755 2,308,852
      Financial assets
                                                                                                                    -                 -               -
         -Financial asset designated as fair value                                                          49,656              5,207          8,332
           through profit or loss                                                                                             19,892
                                                                                                                    -    14,429,116                   -
         -Loans and other receivables                                                                   2,311,033        14,063,442       1,618,992
         -Available-for-sale investments                                                                6,837,480        10,026,057       6,427,778
         -Held to maturity investments                                                                  5,574,178         3,226,995       5,406,893
      Reinsurance receivables                                                                                                126,153      1,580,620
      Retrocession assets                                                                                 529,444            105,964
      Deferred acquisition costs                                                                          768,911            307,425           7,014
      Other receivables and Prepayments                                                                                                        3,721
     Right of use of Asset                                                                                          -                 -
      Tax recoverable                                                                                               -        143,738                  -
      Investment properties                                                                             3,351,936                                     -
      Property, plant and equipment                                                                     1,062,759                             16,453
      Statutory deposits
      Deferred tax assets                                                                               -                5,345            120,261
      Total assets
                                                                                                        22,483,667 44,242,089 17,498,916
      Insurance contract liabilities                                                                      8,702,232      29,971,885       10,171,886
      Reinsurance creditors                                                                               3,344,607        1,145,807        1,424,714
      Other payables and Accruals                                                                         2,569,334           331,395          571,217
     Lease liability                                                                                                          132,916             2,873
      Retirement benefit obligations                                                                                  -       154,804           57,961
      Current income tax payable                                                                             142,902                 (1)        32,160
      Deferred tax liabilities                                                                               114,609                   -                -
      Equity                                                                                                                                5,238,105
      Total liabilities and equity                                                                            12,555     12,505,285
                                                                                                          7,597,430      44,242,090       17,498,916
      Cashflows from operating activities                                                               22,483,669
      Cashflows from investing activities
      Cashflows from financing activities                                                                 64,640           3,741,190         47,798
                                                                                                        (60,642)         (1,130,788)      (541,249)
      Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
      Cash and cash equivalent, beginning of year                                                                 -                    -             -
      Cash and cash equivalent, end of year
                                                                                                           3,998         2,610,402        (493,451)
                                                                                                        723,826          2,382,849        1,237,401
                                                                                                        727,824          4,993,251
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