Page 115 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 115

Notes to the Consolidated and separate financial statements - continued 113

27.1 Dened contribution scheme
        In accordance with the provisions of the Pensions Act 2014, the Group and its staff commenced a contributory pension scheme in
        January 2005. The contribution by employees and the Company are 8% and 10%, respectively, of the employees' basic salary,
        housing and transport allowances. The contribution made and transferred to the pension fund administrator during the year are as

Balance at beginning of year                                               Group               Group           Company             Company
Provisions during the year                                        31 December         31 December         31 December         31 December
Transfer to Pension Fund Administrator
Balance at end of year                                                       2022                2021                2022                2021
                                                                       =N='000             =N='000             =N='000             =N='000

                                                                                   -                   -                   -                   -
                                                                           83,516              83,497              83,516              83,497
                                                                         (83,516)            (83,497)            (83,516)            (83,497)

                                                                                   -                   -                   -                   -

27.2 Dened benet staff gratuity scheme
        The Group operates a defined benefit staff gratuity plan where qualifying employees receive a lump sum payment based on the
        number of years served after an initial qualifying period of five years and gross salary on date of retirement.

Statement of financial position obligation for:                            Group               Group           Company             Company
                                                                  31 December         31 December         31 December         31 December
The amounts recognised in the statement of nancial position are
determined as follows:                                                       2022                2021                2022                2021
Present value of funded obligations                                    =N='000             =N='000             =N='000             =N='000
Fair value of plan assets
Deficit of funded plans                                           1,740,083           1,127,433           1,185,078             798,522
                                                                  (624,975)           (584,687)           (425,637)           (414,114)
                                                                                        542,746             759,441             384,408

Liability in the consolidated statement of financial position     1,115,108           542,746             759,441             384,408

The movement in the dened benet obligation over the year is as

At beginning of the year                                          1,127,432           1,222,975             798,522             926,152
Service cost                                                        117,190             124,895               68,736            149,638
Transfer to subsidiaries                                                      -                   -                   -
Interest cost                                                       146,221               86,023              99,430                     -
Actuarial gains (losses)                                            571,492             154,925                                  65,559
Benefit paid                                                                                                413,143             112,772
At end of the year                                                (222,253)           (461,386)           (194,752)           (455,600)
                                                                  1,740,083           1,127,432           1,185,078             798,522
The amounts recognised in the prot or loss are as follows:
Current service cost                                                117,190             124,895               68,736            149,638
Net interest                                                          70,796              43,467              87,907             74,405
Total, included in staff costs                                                                              156,643
                                                                    187,986             168,362                                 224,044
The amounts recognised in other comprehensive income

Re-measurement loss on net defined benefit plans                  (606,629)           (165,469)           (413,143)           (117,196)

The movement in the plan assets over the year is as follows:        584,687             552,674             414,114             418,536
Assets at fair value - opening                                       75,425              42,556              11,523              (8,847)
Interest return                                                                                                                 455,600
Employer contribution                                               222,253             461,386             194,752           (455,600)
Benefit paid                                                      (222,253)           (461,386)           (194,752)
Actuarial gain/(loss)                                                                                                              4,424
At end of the year                                                 (35,137)            (10,543)                      0          414,114
                                                                    624,975             584,687             425,637
Composition of Plan assets                                                                                                        119%
Cash                                                                    94%                 93%                 91%                -19%
Equity                                                                    3%                  7%                  6%
Others                                                                    3%                  0%                  3%                  0%
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