Page 82 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 82

80 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies

     from the offsetting effects from the application of                 of a foreign operation, the component of other
     discounting (positive effect) and risk adjustment for               comprehensive income relating to that particular
     non-financial risk for the Group's loss reserves (negative          foreign operation is recognised in profit or loss.
     effect). Overall, we expect a slight decrease in
     shareholders' equity for non-life business with transition    2.8 Insurance contracts
     to IFRS 17. The effect of onerous groups of contracts is            Insurance contracts are those contracts when the Group
     not expected to be material for the Group financial                 (the insurer) has accepted significant insurance risk from
     statements.                                                         another party (the policyholders) by agreeing to
                                                                         compensate the policyholders if a specified uncertain
  d Definition of Accounting Estimates Amendments to                     future event (the insured event) adversely affects the
      IAS 8 effective 1 January 2023                                     policyholders. As a general guideline, the Group
     The amendment to IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes                 determines whether it has significant insurance risk, by
     in Accounting Estimates and Errors clarifies how                    comparing benefits paid with benefits payable if the
     companies should distinguish changes in accounting                  insured event did not occur.
     policies from changes in accounting estimates. The                  Insurance contracts defined in IFRS 4 may also transfer
     distinction is important, because changes in accounting             financial risk.
     estimates are applied prospectively to future
     transactions and other future events, whereas changes               Recognition and measurement
     in accounting policies are generally applied                        The Group's Insurance contracts are classified into three
     retrospectively to past transactions and other past                 broad categories, depending on the duration of the risk
     events as well as the current period.                               and the type of risk insured, namely Individual Life,
                                                                         Group Life and General insurance.
2.7 Foreign currency translation
                                                                     a. Individual life
  a Functional and presentation currency                                 These contracts insure mainly against death. The
     Items included in the consolidated financial statements             reserve is calculated by determining an Unexpired
     of the Group are measured using the currency of the                 Premiums Reserve (UPR) and an Outstanding Claims
     primary economic environment in which the entity                    Reserve (OCR). The UPR represents the unexpired
     operates (‘the functional currency’).                               portion of premiums received for cover within the year,
                                                                         assuming an allowance for expenses. The OCR
     The consolidated financial statements are presented in              represents the claims reserve for claims that were
     thousands. Naira is the Group's presentation and also               received, but not yet paid, or which may have emerged
     the parent company’s functional currency.                           but have not been received due to delayed reporting.

  b Transactions and balances                                        b. Group life
     Foreign currency transactions are transactions                      These contracts insure companies against death of staff.
     denominated, or that require settlement, in a foreign               These contracts are short-term in nature and are
     currency and these are translated into the functional               typically renewed annually. For these contracts, gross
     currency spot rate prevailing at the dates of the                   premiums are recognised as revenue when due.
     Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign          c. General insurance
     currencies are retranslated at the functional currency              These contracts provide Fire, Accident, Marine, Liability
     spot rate of exchange prevailing at the reporting date.             and Energy insurance. For these contracts, gross
     Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the                premiums are recognised as revenue when due.
     retranslation and settlement of these items are
     recognised in profit or loss.                               2.9.1 Revenue recognition
                                                                         Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable
  c Group companies                                                      that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and
     On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of foreign             the revenue can be reliably measured, regardless of
     operations are translated into naira at the rate of                 when the payment is being made. Revenue is measured
     exchange prevailing at the reporting date and their                 at the fair value of the consideration received or
     income statements are translated at exchange rates                  receivable, taking into account contractually defined
     prevailing at the dates of the transactions. The exchange           terms of payment and excluding taxes or duty.
     differences arising on translation for consolidation are
     recognised in other comprehensive income. On disposal
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