Page 83 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 83

Statement of Significant Accounting Policies                       81

2.9.2 Gross premium                                                2.9.6 Reserve for outstanding claim
        Premium is recognized as income when offers from                   Reserve for outstanding claims represents provisions
       ceding companies are confirmed via credit notes. This               made to account for estimated cost of all claims and the
       comprises premiums generated on contracts entered                   related claims handling expenses incurred but not paid at
       into during the year as well as premiums and                        the reporting date. This includes the cost of claims
       adjustments on contracts entered into in earlier years but          incurred but not reported (IBNR) using best available
       confirmed in the current accounting year. Also, premium             information.
       for the year includes estimates for pipeline or premium
       not yet advised by the ceding companies for contracts               A full provision is made for the estimated cost of all
       in-force at the end of the year.                                   claims notified but not settled at the reporting date,
                                                                          using the best information available at that time.
       Pipeline premiums are estimated on the basis of latest             Provision is also made for the cost of claims incurred but
       available information and historic premium                         not reported (IBNR) until after the reporting date.
       development patterns.                                              Similarly, provision is made for “unallocated claims
                                                                          expenses” being the estimated administrative expenses
        All written premiums are recorded on underwriting year            that will be incurred after the reporting date in settling all
       basis and a provision is made for unearned income as               claims outstanding as at the date, including IBNR.
       Reserve for Unexpired Risk for the portion of premium              Differences between the provision for outstanding
       relating to the current underwriting year that have not            claims at a reporting date and the subsequent settlement
       expired by the end of the accounting year. Earned                  are included in profit or loss of the following year.
       Premium Income represents Gross Premium less change
       in reserve for unearned Premium during the year.                   Based on the best available information, this reserve is
                                                                           calculated using standard actuarial methods and
2.9.3 Retrocession                                                         historical claims experience.
       Retrocession recoveries represent that portion of claims
       paid/payable on risks ceded out in respect of which         2.9.7 Liability adequacy test
       recoveries are received/ receivable from the                        Liabilities from insurance policies are tested by certified
       retrocessionaire.                                                  professional actuary at each reporting date for adequacy
                                                                          of the insurance liabilities recognised in the financial
       Retrocession recoveries are disclosed separately as an             statements. During this process, up-to-date estimates of
       asset and charged against gross claims incurred to arrive          current valuation parameters are examined, taking into
       at net claims incurred.                                            account all future cash flows associated with the
                                                                          insurance policies, to determine whether the recognised
       Retrocession assets are assessed annually for impairment           liabilities are adequate. If these tests determine that the
       and the carrying amount reduced with impairment                    carrying amount of the insurance liabilities is negative,
       through profit or loss.                                            taking into account capitalised acquisition costs and/or
                                                                          capitalised policy portfolio values, the entire shortfall is
2.9.4 Gross Claims                                                        immediately recognised in profit or loss.
       Gross claims represent estimates of claims and claims
       handling expenses accrued during the accounting year.       2.9.8 Actuarial valuation of life insurance contract
       Gross claims incurred are made up of gross claims and               liabilities
       changes in reserve for outstanding claims (including                Actuarial valuation of life insurance contract liabilities is
       IBNR) during the year.                                              carried out annually by certified professional actuary for
                                                                           the purpose of determining the surplus or deficit at the
2.9.5 Reserve for unexpired risks                                          end of the year. All surpluses or deficits arising therefrom
       The portion of the Non-life gross written premium which             are charged to profit or loss.
       has not yet been earned by the end of the accounting
       year is accounted for as Reserve for Unexpired Risks.               Retrocession premium represents the cost of outward
                                                                           reinsurance for the year. The retrocession programme is
       This is calculated using current underwriting year gross            on underwriting year basis with appropriate reserves
        written premium for all classes of business assuming               calculated using the same basis as reserve for unexpired
        premium earning patterns based on historical pattern               risks.
        and business knowledge.
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