Page 79 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 79
Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 77
periods commencing on or after 1 January 2022: b IFRS 9 - Financial instruments effective 1 January
a Property, Plant and Equipment: Proceeds before 2018
IFRS 9 is part of the IASB’s project to replace IAS 39. It
intended use Amendments to IAS 16, effective addresses classification, measurement and impairment
January 1, 2022 of financial assets as well as hedge accounting.
The amendment to IAS 16 Property, Plant and
Equipment (PP&E) prohibits an entity from deducting IFRS 9 replaces the multiple classification and
from the cost of an item of PP&E any proceeds received measurement models in IAS 39 with a single model that
from selling items produced while the entity is preparing has only three classification categories: amortised cost,
the asset for its intended use. It also clarifies that an fair value through OCI and fair value through profit or
entity is testing whether the asset functioning properly loss. It includes the guidance on accounting for and
when it assesses technical and physical performance of presentation of financial liabilities and derecognition of
the asset. financial instruments which was previously in IAS 39.
The amendments had no impact on the group and Furthermore for non-derivative financial liabilities
company during the period. designated at fair value through profit or loss, it requires
that the credit risk component of fair value gains and
b Reference to the Conceptual Framework losses be separated and included in OCI rather than in
Amendments to IFRS 3, effective January 1, 2022 the income statement.
Minor amendments were made to IFRS 3 Business
Combinations to update the references to the IFRS 9 also requires that credit losses expected at the
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and to balance sheet date (rather than only losses incurred in
add an exception for the recognition of liabilities and the year) on loans, debt securities and loan
contingent liabilities within the scope of IAS 37 commitments not held at fair value through profit or
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets loss be reflected in impairment allowances.
and Interpretations. The amendments also confirm that
contingent assets should not be recognised at the Furthermore, the IASB has amended IFRS 9 to align
acquisition date. hedge accounting more closely with an entity’s risk
The amendments had no impact on the group and management. The revised standard establishes a more
company during the period. principles-based approach to hedge accounting and
addresses inconsistencies and weaknesses in the current
2.6 Standards and interpretations issued/amended but model in IAS 39.
not yet effected/effective
Other standards issued/amended by the IASB but yet to The company elected to apply the temporary
be effective are outlined below: exemption from IFRS 9 and qualifies for the temporary
exemption based on the following;
a Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current a) its activities are predominantly connected with
Amendments to IAS 1 effective 1 January 2023 insurance contracts;
The narrow-scope amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of
Financial Statements clarify that liabilities are classified b) the carrying amount of its liabilities arising from
as either current or non- current, depending on the insurance contracts and insurance connected liabilities
rights that exist at the end of the reporting period. for the group sum up to N93.8billion as at 31 Dec 2022
Classification is unaffected by the expectations or (31 Dec 2021 : N60.5billion), Company N39.2billion
events after the reporting date (e.g. the receipt of a (31 Dec 2021: 27.7billion) which is greater than 80 per
waver or a breach of covenant). The amendments also cent of the total carrying amount of all its liabilities as at
clarify what IAS 1 means when it refers to the 31 Dec 2022 and 31 Dec 2022 respectively;
"settlement" of a liability. The amendments could affect
the classification of liabilities, particularly for entities c) as at 31 December 2015, which is the reporting date
that previously considered management's intention that immediately precedes 1 January 2016, the carrying
determine classification and for some liabilities that can amount of the group and company liabilities arising
be converted into equity. They must be applied from insurance connected contracts was 92% which is
retrospectively in accordance with the normal greater than 90 per cent of the total carrying amount of
requirements in IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in all its liabilities as at that date as presented below;
Accounting Estimates and Errors.
The impact of this amendment on the Group's financial
statements is currently under assessment.