Page 77 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 77

Statement of Significant Accounting Policies                         75

      See note 43.3 for sensitivity analysis on level 3 financial    considerable judgement, experience and knowledge of
      instruments                                                    the business is required by management in the
                                                                     estimation of amounts due to contract holders. Actual
      Valuation of Insurance contract liabilities                    results may differ resulting in positive or negative
      Life insurance contract liabilities:                           change in estimated liabilities.
      The liability for life insurance contracts is either based on
      current assumptions or on assumptions established at           The ultimate cost of outstanding claims is estimated by
      the inception of the contract, reflecting the best             using a range of standard actuarial claims projection
      estimate at the time increased with a margin for risk and      techniques, such as Chain Ladder and Bornheutter-
      adverse deviation. All contracts are subject to a liability    Ferguson methods. These methods primarily use
      adequacy test, which reflect management's best current         historical claim settlement trends as a base for assessing
      estimate of future cash flows.                                 future claims settlement amounts. Historical claims
                                                                     developments are mainly analysed by underwriting
      Certain acquisition costs related to the sale of new           year, by type and line of business and by geographical
      policies are recorded as deferred acquisition costs (DAC)      territory. Large claims are separately addressed using
      and are amortised to the profit or loss over time. If the      loss adjusters' reports and historical large claims
      assumptions relating to future profitability of these          development patterns.
      policies are not realised, the amortisation of these costs
      could be accelerated and this may also require additional      Additional qualitative judgement is required as
      impairment writeoffs to the profit or loss.                    significant uncertainties remain such as future changes
                                                                     in inflation, economic conditions, attitude to claiming,
2.4 Significant accounting judgements, estimates and                 foreign exchange rates, judicial decisions and
      assumptions                                                    operational process.
      The main assumptions used relates to mortality,
      morbidity, investment returns, expenses, lapse and             Similar judgements, estimates and assumptions are
      surrender rates and discount rates. The Group bases            employed in the assessment of losses attaching to
      mortality and morbidity on standard industry mortality         unearned premium exposures. The methods used are
      tables which reflect historical experiences, adjusted          based on time apportionment principles together with
      when appropriate to reflect the Group's unique risk            significant judgement to assess the adequacy of theses
      exposure, product characteristics, target markets and          liabilities and the attached uncertainty.
      own claims severity and frequency experiences.
                                                                     The carrying value at the reporting date of non-life
      Assumptions on future expense are based on current             insurance contract liabilities for the Group is
      expense levels, adjusted for expected expense inflation,       N78,265,624,000 (2021: N50,261,429,000) and
      if appropriate.                                                Company N30,931,735,000 (2021:
      Lapse and surrender rates are based on the Group's
      historical experience of lapses and surrenders.                Pipeline reinsurance premium
                                                                     For non-life reinsurance contracts, estimates have to be
      Discount rates are based on current industry risk rates,       made for expected future premium from policies
      adjusted for the Group's own risk exposure.                    already written but not reported at the reporting date.
                                                                     Due to the nature of reinsurance business, in particular
      The carrying value at the reporting date of life insurance     treaty business, it takes a significant period of time
      contract liabilities for the Group is N5,160,413,000           before all premiums are reported for a given
      (2021: N4,308,077,000) and Company                             underwriting period. Therefore considerable
      N3,648,298,000 (2021: N2669,470,000).                          judgement, experience and knowledge of the business
                                                                     is required by management in the estimation of pipeline
      Non-life insurance contract liabilities:                       premiums due from contract holders. Actual results may
      For non-life insurance contract, estimates have to be          differ resulting in positive or negative changes in
      made for the expected ultimate cost of all future              estimated pipeline premium income.
      payments attaching to incurred claims at the reporting
      date. These include incurred but not reported ("IBNR")         The pipeline premiums are estimated by using the Chain
      claims. Due to the nature of reinsurance business, it          Ladder technique. This technique primarily uses
      takes a significant period of time before ultimate costs of    historical reporting trends as a base for assessing future
      claims can be established with certainty and therefore         premium amounts. Historical premiums developments
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