Page 78 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 78
76 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies
are mainly analysed by underwriting year, by type and (2021: N542,746,000) and Company N759,441,000
line of business and by geographical territory. Estimated (2021: 384,408,000).
premium income information is also used to supplement See note 27.2 on sensitivity analysis on retirement
the results of this technique benefit obligation.
2.4 Significant accounting judgements, estimates and Valuation of investment properties
assumptions (continued) The Group carries its investment properties at fair value,
with changes in fair value being recognised in profit or
Additional qualitative judgement is required as loss.
significant uncertainties remain such as future changes The Group engaged an independent valuation specialist
in inflation, economic conditions, foreign exchange to assess fair value as at 31 December 2022. A valuation
rates, industry developments and operational process. methodology based on discounted cash flow income
capitalization model was used.
The carrying value at the reporting date of pipeline
receivables for the Group is N24,755,752,000 (2021: The determined fair value of the investment properties
N13,733,327,000) and Company N11,952,129,000 is most sensitive to the estimated yield as well as the
(2021: N5,909,022,000). long-term vacancy rate. The key assumptions used to
determine the fair value of the investment properties
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are further explained in Note 20 to the consolidated
Uncertainties exist with respect to the interpretation of financial statements.
complex tax regulations and the amount and timing of
future taxable income. Differences arising between the The carrying value at the reporting date of investment
actual results and the assumptions made, or future properties for the Group is N5,201,836,000 (2021:
changes to such assumptions, could necessitate future N4,925,062,000) and Company N1,849,900,000
adjustments to tax income and expense already (2021:N1,826,200,000).
recorded. The Group establishes provisions, based on See note 20.2 on sensitivity analysis on investment
reasonable estimates, for possible consequences of properties
audits by the tax authorities. The amount of such
provisions is based on various factors such as experience Valuation of reinsurance receivables
of previous tax audits and differing interpretations by
the taxable entity. Reinsurance receivables are recognised when due.
These include amounts due from dedants and brokers.
The carrying value at the reporting date of net deferred If there is objective evidence that the reinsurance
tax liability for the Group is N234,192,000 (2021: receivable is impaired, the group reduces the carrying
N229,665,000) and Company N347,243,000 (2021: amount of the receivables accordingly and recognises
278,299,000). Further details on taxes are disclosed in the impairment loss through profit or loss. The group
Note 9 to the financial statements. assesses that the receivables are impaired, using the
incurred loss model. By the incurred loss model, the
Valuation of pension benefit obligation receivables are aged in various aging category ranging
The cost of defined benefit pension plans and other from year 0 to year 3. Impairment is charged/(release)
post-employments benefits and the present value of the according to the various age bands.
pension obligation are determined using actuarial
valuations. The actuarial valuation involves making The carrying value at the reporting date of reinsurance
assumptions about discount rates, expected rate of receivables for the Group is N46,562,280,000 (2021:
return on assets, future salary increases, mortality rates N31,333,426,000) and Company N19,234,086,000
and future pension increases. (2021:N12,279,107,000).
Due to the complexity of the valuation, the underlying
assumptions and its long-term nature, a defined benefit 2.5 New and amended standards and interpretations
obligation is highly sensitive to changes in these The accounting policies adopted are consistent with
assumptions. All assumptions are reviewed at each those of the previous financial period.
reporting date.
Details of the key assumptions used in the estimates are Standards and interpretations effective during the
contained in Note 27 to the financial statements. reporting period
The carrying value at the reporting date of gratuity There are a number of amendments to accounting
benefit obligation for the Group is N1,115,108,000 standards that become applicable for annual reporting