Page 47 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 47
Directors' Report 45
empower our employees, which are further enriched by that our workforce remains motivated, committed, and
expanded job roles and responsibilities. aligned with our company's mission and objectives.
To facilitate our employees' growth, we actively sponsor 13.6. Whistleblowing Policy
their participation in a wide range of training Our company's whistleblowing policy has undergone a
opportunities, including locally and internationally recent and comprehensive review, ensuring that it is
organized courses, workshops, seminars, and fully up to date. This review has resulted in the
conferences. These endeavors equip our team members establishment of a seamless and effective framework for
with essential skills and knowledge required for optimal reporting complaints.
performance in their daily tasks. Additionally, we
complement these efforts with on-the-job training to Our whistleblowing policy is designed to encourage the
enhance practical skills and competencies. reporting of any activities that may violate laws,
regulations, or our company's code of conduct. We
Embracing the digital age, our company has embraced believe that individuals who are closest to the operations
e-learning as a versatile and accessible method of skill of our company are often the first to identify potential
acquisition. We also offer coaching, cross-location work issues, and we value their input and commitment to
placements, and training attachments in reputable upholding our principles.
reinsurance companies, reinsurance brokers, and
retrocessionaires. These experiences provide diverse We have established multiple reporting mechanisms to
perspectives and foster professional development. facilitate the reporting of concerns:
In summary, our commitment to employee • Internal Reporting: Employees are encouraged to
development extends across a spectrum of training report concerns to their immediate supervisor or
avenues, ensuring that our workforce remains well- manager. If, for any reason, they are uncomfortable
equipped, adaptable, and empowered to excel in their doing so, they can escalate their concerns to the
roles. next level of management or to the Human
Resources department.
13.5. Employee remuneration and talent
management • Anonymous Reporting: We recognize that some
Our company places immense importance on the individuals may be hesitant to come forward due to
contributions of our employees and actively encourages fear of retaliation or other concerns. Therefore, we
their involvement in decision-making processes, offer an anonymous reporting channel through an
whether they pertain to corporate matters or issues that independent third-party service provider. This
impact their well-being. To foster a highly engaged and channel allows individuals to report concerns
productive workforce, as well as instill a sense of without revealing their identity.
accountability and ownership, we have implemented
various initiatives. • Online Reporting Portal: We maintain an online
reporting portal accessible to all stakeholders,
One of these initiatives involves organizing including employees, contractors, and external
management and team bonding retreats, where parties. This portal is a secure and confidential
employees have the opportunity to interact with platform for reporting concerns.
leadership teams in an informal setting. These retreats
provide a platform for open dialogue and the exchange We are committed to protecting whistleblowers from
of ideas, helping to align our collective vision and goals. retaliation. Any form of retaliation against an individual
who reports a concern in good faith is strictly prohibited
We firmly believe that feedback from our employees is and will be met with appropriate disciplinary action. We
invaluable in steering our company in the desired understand the importance of maintaining
direction. By actively involving them in decision-making confidentiality and will make every effort to protect the
and continuously seeking their input, we cultivate a identity of the whistleblower.
culture of collaboration and empowerment, ensuring
In conclusion, Continental Re is steadfast in its