Page 46 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 46
44 Directors' Report
encouraging vibrant communication and facilities, regular health check-ups, and preventive
consultation between employees and the care measures.
leadership team. Our core values and Code of
Business Principles define what we stand for and the • Work-Life Balance: We promote a healthy work-
framework in which we do business. The group life balance to support the overall welfare of our
complies with all regulatory demands in the employees. This includes flexible working
employment of employees and ensures that the arrangements, paid time off, and initiatives to
right talents are considered for appointment to reduce workplace stress.
executive and top management positions.
• Non-Discrimination: We have a strict non
13.2. Employment of physically challenged persons discrimination policy that ensures all employees are
The Company upholds a non-discriminatory policy treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their
when reviewing applications for employment, b a c k g r o u n d , g e n d e r, a g e , o r a n y o t h e r
extending this commitment to include individuals with characteristic.
physical challenges. In the event that any of our staff
members encounter a disability, we are dedicated to • Reporting Mechanisms: We have clear reporting
making every effort to ensure their continued mechanisms in place for employees to raise any
employment within our organization. We will also safety concerns or incidents they may encounter.
facilitate the provision of suitable training to ensure their Whistle blowing channels are also available to
successful integration into our Company's work report any violations of safety or ethical standards.
It is noteworthy that, during the period under review, • Emergency Response: We have established
the Company did not have any employees with physical emergency response procedures to address any
challenges. unforeseen situations promptly and efficiently,
ensuring the safety and welfare of our employees.
13.3. Health, safety at work and welfare of
employees • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to
Ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of employees in continually improving our health, safety, and
the workplace is of paramount importance to our welfare practices. This includes staying updated on
organization. We are deeply committed to maintaining best practices, soliciting employee feedback, and
a safe and supportive environment for all our team making necessary adjustments to our policies and
members. Our approach to achieving this includes: procedures.
• Safety Standards: We adhere to stringent safety • Compliance: We strictly adhere to all relevant
standards and protocols in all aspects of our health and safety regulations and regularly assess
operations. This includes regular safety inspections, our practices to ensure compliance with the latest
risk assessments, and the implementation of safety industry standards.
measures to prevent accidents and injuries.
The health, safety, and welfare of our employees are
• Tr a i n i n g a n d E d u c a t i o n : We p r o v i d e integral to our company's values and success. We
comprehensive training and educational programs believe that by prioritizing these aspects, we create a
to our employees to raise awareness about positive and productive work environment where our
workplace safety. This includes training on employees can thrive and contribute to the company's
emergency procedures, the proper use of growth and success.
equipment, and best practices for maintaining a
safe work environment. 13.4. Learning and Development
Our company maintains an unwavering commitment to
• Healthcare Benefits: We offer comprehensive the growth and development of our workforce,
healthcare benefits to our employees to ensure their underlining our substantial investment in training and
physical well-being. This includes access to medical development initiatives. We have established
comprehensive training and development programs to