Page 15 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 15

2022 Financial Year Business Review                                                                             13

Review of operations                                       This was due to the growth of the Nairobi
As a composite reinsurance company, Continental            subsidiary.
Reinsurance Plc (CRe) continues to accept life and
general (non-life) business from Nigeria and other         In 2022 the Lagos business constituted 23% of
African countries with life business coming substantially  the total non-life business compared to the
from Nigeria.                                              previous year's contribution of 32%. On the other
                                                           hand, the Nairobi office contributed 43%
To maintain proper focus and better service delivery, the  compared to the contribution of 34% in 2021.
technical and underwriting operations continue to be       The Gaborone office contributed 11%, the Tunis
structured along the regional lines indicated below.       offices contributed 13%, the Abidjan office
These are also the reporting regional/subsidiary offices.  contributed 6% while the Douala office
                                                           contributed 4% to the total non-life premium.
      Lagos office covering Nigeria, other Anglophone
      West African countries, and South Africa             Classes of Business
      Abidjan office covering francophone west Africa.     The business performance by class in 2022 was
      Tunis office covering North Africa and the Middle    moderate across all classes with fire taking the
      East states.                                         lead as usual. The percentage contributions of
      Douala subsidiary office covering Central Africa     non-life premium to total premium by business
      Nairobi, subsidiary office covering East Africa.     lines were 41% for Fire, 26% for General
      Gaborone, a subsidiary office covering southern      Accident, Engineering at 12%, Life and Marine at
      Africa excluding South Africa.                       7% each, Liability at 5%, Energy at 4% and
                                                           Agriculture at 2%.
The group lines of business are classified as follows:
      Fire which covers property and subclasses
      Engineering class
      General Accident class
      Agriculture class
      Marine and Aviation class
      Liability and Motor class
      Energy (Oil and Gas) class
      Life comprises Individual and Group life classes.

Non-Life Business                                          Management plans to consolidate on the 2022
Premium Income:                                            gains by further pursuing the twin growth strategy
The group's non-life gross written premium grew            of consolidation in existing and new market
by 48% in 2022 over the performance in 2021                segments.
from NGN64.74 billion to NGN95.59 billion. This
performance is further confirmation of the positive        Claims Incurred
impact of the regional expansion strategy adopted          The non-life gross claims incurred in 2022 was
by management.                                             NGN38.42 billion representing 32% increase from
                                                           the NGN29.12 billion recorded in 2021. This
Geographical Distribution.                                 shows a high trend with claims growing at a rate of
The group's performance in 2022 is further                 32% in comparison with premium growth of 48%
confirmation of the continued viability of                 from previous years' results.
Continental Re's geographical expansion strategy.
This has helped to further achieve penetration into        Acquisition Costs and Charges
and deepening of our markets and resulted in the           Non-life acquisition costs and charges increased by
spreading and diversification of risk. As earlier          39% in 2022, from a total of NGN16.39 billion in
stated, for effective coverage of the African              2021 to NGN22.82 billion in 2022.
continent, Continental Re currently operates in six
strategic locations across the continent through a
combination of regional and subsidiary offices.

The Lagos office's percentage contribution to total
premium has further dropped by 9% from 36% in
2021 to 27% in the year 2022.
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