Page 14 - Continental Reinsurance 2022 Annual Report
P. 14
12 Group Managing Director's Statement
The regulatory environment for the achieving profitable growth, becoming and other levers of employee
industry continued to evolve. a customer-centric company, achieving engagement are benchmarked against
Compliance with changing regulations, operational excellence, and building a leading organizations. We have placed a
including solvency requirements and smart execution culture. high value on learning and
reporting standards, remained a priority. development, and to this end, we
We embraced these changes as We firmly believe that a relentless focus continuously invest in training programs
opportunities to enhance our on these four goals will propel us toward targeted at improving staff skills and
governance, risk management, and the realization of our vision. In our capacity across various functions.
transparency. Also, the rapid pace of pursuit of profitable growth, we will
technological advancements presented continue to prioritize disciplined Conclusion
both opportunities and challenges. The underwriting practices within carefully While we hold optimistic expectations
increasing digitalization of the insurance selected client segments, markets, and for the year 2023, we are fully aware of
and reinsurance value chain required us lines of business to ensure that we the unpredictable nature of geopolitics
to invest in technology to remain expand our market share without and the economy, as well as the
competitive and relevant. We continued compromising shareholder value. We potential impact of regulatory changes,
our digital transformation journey to will also continue to enhance our asset foreign exchange fluctuations, and
improve efficiency and offer innovative management capabilities to optimize shifting customer preferences. These
solutions to our clients. investment returns, recognizing that obstacles have necessitated our ability
premium collections play a pivotal role to adapt quickly, think creatively, and
Performance Summary in boosting investible funds and, implement innovative approaches to
Despite the volatile market conditions, consequently, our investment returns. ensure our business remains relevant.
our key performance indicators attest to Acknowledging the challenge of
the fact that Continental Re is heading in premium collection prevalent across On behalf of the Board, I would like to
the right direction. In 2022, the group's Africa, we are committed to thank all our employees for their
Gross written premium grew year-on- implementing a range of initiatives to dedication, our customers for their
year by 47% to NGN103.21 billion address this issue effectively. We aim to loyalty and patronage, and our
(USD242.589 million), Profit before tax further fortify our financial position and shareholders for your patience and
(PBT) grew year-on-year by 27% to drive sustained growth as we continue confidence in our Board and
NGN8.43 billion (USD19.829million), our journey to become the premier Pan- Management. We remain focused on
Underwriting profit grew year-on-year African reinsurer. our mission to protect and serve our
by 31% to NGN5.28 billion customers, generate sustainable returns
(USD12.4million) and Investment Risk Management and Compliance for our shareholders, and contribute to
income increased by 59% to In an increasingly complex risk the growth and development of Africa's
NGN3.99billion (USD9.38million) landscape, we maintained a strong reinsurance sector. Together, we will
compared to NGN2.51 focus on risk management and navigate the challenges and capitalize
billion(USD6.26million) in 2021 with compliance. We continuously on the opportunities, ensuring a bright
interest income from bonds and monitored and assessed risks, ensuring and prosperous future for Continental
statutory deposit dominating our robust underwriting practices. Our risk Re.
investment income. The combined ratio management framework has enabled us
closed at 91.7% - better than the to maintain a healthy risk appetite, while Yours Sincerely,
average on the continent which is diligently adhering to regulatory
approximately 100%. The group also requirements and industry best Lawrence Nazare
delivered a return on equity (ROE) of practices. We are committed to Group Managing Director
15% while maintaining its B+ AM Best upholding the highest standards of
rating. governance and transparency.
Strategy Review Talent Management
In pursuit of our long-term vision, which At Continental Re, we are very
is to establish ourselves as the premier conscious of the fact that building a
Pan-African reinsurer, Continental Re's culture of high performance among
Board and Management have recently employees goes a long way to ensuring
updated our medium-term strategy for competitiveness and attracting the best
the years 2022 to 2024. This strategic talents. As an organization that aims to
update places a strong emphasis on four recruit and keep the best talent, we have
pivotal objectives aligned with our revamped our employee management
ambition. These objectives include practice, ensuring that remuneration